As mentioned in a previous post, I spent some time at the Lotus Center for acupuncture and Chinese herbs to help the underlying causes of my infertility. Well, it worked and I got pregnant right away, but unfortunately on July 4, 2013 we lost our fourth baby, Avery. At that time we didn't want to pursue trying because we didn't want anymore heartache. We did, however, continue testing and after months of bloodwork and exams, we still don't have any answers. It took some time, but Tim an I are ok with that and know that God has our backs no matter the situation or outcome. Who knows?...maybe one day we will have a child of our own.
In November, we added to our family a different way by adopting a kitten (Sabrina). Adding a Kitten in with a miniature Schnauzer (Olive, the tom boy princess), and another cat (Nimbus, ruler of the house) was (and still is!) entertaining to say the least. They all get along well and I have fallen in love with each of their sweet personalities!
With the new year, Tim and I celebrated our third anniversary and are still very much in love! We also have some trips planned for the year (yay)!
There you have it! A brief overview of a few BIG things that have happened since early summer (and the last real time I blogged).
Have a stellar Saturday!