Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tackling BO, the Natural Way!

Tim gave me the idea to make a natural deodorant. A month or two ago he changed from a commercial antiperspirant to just deodorant. Surprisingly, he found that he was sweating much less than before (and cutting down his exposure to some nasty chemicals)!

The main, active ingredient in antiperspirants is aluminum. It works by clogging the pores under your  arms to prevent sweating. Studies have argued that exposure to aluminum via antiperspirants has been linked to cancer (especially in women), Alzheimer's disease, and other health concerns. Although these claims haven't been 100% proven, is that something you would want to take a chance with? For me, the answer is a huge NO! Our bodies were designed to sweat as a way to cool us down. also, if there is an effective natural solution, I would much rather go that route ( I am going crunchy, aren't I?)!

Making homemade, natural deodorant was second to trying the No 'poo method (see that post here). All of the ingredients were already in my kitchen, and it literally took about 5 minutes to!

 I used a basic recipe to start with:

-6 tbsp coconut oil (antibacterial properties/nice fragrance)
-1/4 cup baking soda (soaks up moisture/ deodorizes)
-1/4 cup arrowroot powder/ or cornstarch (soaks up moisture)
-Clean, dry jar with lid, or recycled deodorant container.

Mix the baking soda and arrowroot/ cornstarch together, add coconut oil. After mixing for a few minutes,  the ingredients will come together to form regular deodorant-like consistency. At this point you may add in a few drops of essential oil (I did not do this because I didn't have any on hand, but I will add Tea Tree Oil in the next batch!)

Keep stirring until all ingredients are well blended.

Transfer your deodorant to a dispenser or jar.

As you can see, I used an empty, clean deodorant dispenser. If you do this, be careful in warm temperatures. Coconut oil melts around 77-80*F. If this happens, place in the refrigerator and it will solidify again. If you use a jar, apply a small amount with your fingers.

The BIG question.... Does it actually work?
I was skeptical at first, but I quickly discovered that it totally works as a deodorant! I ditched my commercial antiperspirant/deodorant and I still don't stink! I prefer it to anything I have used in the past.

This recipe is not an antiperspirant, but as you read above, sweat is a good thing. I have been using my homemade deodorant for about three weeks now and I have found that I am sweating less than I was on the commercial stuff. The antibacterial properties of the coconut oil mixed with baking soda/ arrowroot(or cornstarch) keeps me fresh all day (even at the gym)!

I will be experimenting with other recipes in the near future because there have been reports of people's sensitive underarm are having a reaction to the baking soda. This did happen to me the first two days, but I adjusted my recipe to add more cornstarch and the rash went away, leaving me with smooth, tropical smelling underarms.

Have you tried this recipe, or a different one? Let me know how it worked for you by commenting on this post.

Disclaimer: I have spent the past few weeks researching the subject of antiperspirants and only briefly shared the facts that I gathered. That being said, I am not a scientist or doctor, so I encourage you to do your own research in order to come to an educated decision about what products you and your family are comfortable using.

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